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Jason David Frank, The most popular Power Ranger is coming to Toycon PH

The rise of the super sentai or “superhero team” genre can be traced back to its inception in the mid ‘70s.  Its boom was most noticeable in the ‘90s with the emergence of numerous super sentai characters such as the Power Rangers. And one of the actors who significantly contributed to the popularity of this genre is Jason David Frank known to many as Tommy Oliver – the Green Ranger.

Jason David Frank was originally cast in the 1993-1996 series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and has been in the super sentai series longer than any other actor appearing in over 230 episodes of the show. Due to his popularity as the Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, Frank reprised the role of Tommy Oliver, donning the mantles of the Mighty Morphin White Ranger, Red Zeo, Red Turbo, and as the Black Dino Thunder Ranger in the succeeding Power Rangers TV shows.

Fan’s fascination with super sentai may be attributed to how animated shows jumped to live action making the bizarre yet awesome adventures of (literally) colorful protagonists and antagonist more action-packed. Furthermore, this genre provided a new sci-fi mythos for the ‘90s market to be engrossed with, and the line-up of characters lends itself well for the manufacturing of toys and collectibles. Thanks to actors like Jason David Frank, the super sentai genre persisted and eventually gained popularity in mainstream media throughout the world.

Jason David Frank can be considered a real-life fighter as he is also a professional mixed martial artist. He has an eighth degree black belt in American karate, a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and in 1994, created his own martial arts system called “Toso Kune Do” which incorporates different facets of various martial arts. Frank owns the Rising Sun Karate and MMA School in different locations in the United States.









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